Maximize Your Employee Benefits – Five Ways To Sail Through Open Enrollment
Michael Hollis gives you five practical tips for maximizing your employee benefits and confidently navigating open enrollment.
How Can Pre-Retirees Avoid Money Pitfalls as They Near Retirement?
When I develop these articles, I research, brainstorm, and write an outline. For this one, I could have gone on and on and on. I could write a whole book on the potential pitfalls that arise as we near retirement.
Are You Worried About Adjusting to a New Routine in Retirement? Here are 5 Ways to Help Avoid Loneliness and Social Isolation
A knee-jerk reaction to spending money on something big can be put in check as you think about the long-term impact of the large purchase and your financial plan.
Rethinking Large Purchase Decisions
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of big purchases, whether it’s a new car or your dream home. But if these purchases eat up too much of your budget, they can keep you from reaching long-term goals like debt freedom or saving for college.
Chicago, A Place to Call Home in Retirement?
Illinois and Chicago have great reasons to stay even into retirement. With a planning staying or moving to the area can become a reality.
Budget For Extended Travel in Retirement
When traveling in retirement, one of the key matters to consider is budgeting to make it happen.
NSOs and Taxation Part 1
If you decide to take advantage of your NSOs, make sure you understand the process, double-check that the proper taxes have been withheld, and notify your employer before they expire.
NSOs and Taxation Part 2
Understanding your non-qualified stock options and how they are taxed is important, whether you want to hold them or exercise them.
What is an Employee Stock Purchase Plan, and Should You Participate?
Taking advantage of an employee stock purchase plan can be a great way to meet your financial goals. There are some questions you need to ask yourself first.
How Retirees Can Better Build Up Their Fixed-Income Strategy
Based on your financial status and retirement goals, a fixed-income investment strategy could ideally diversify your portfolio and provide a steady income stream.
What’s the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and When Will You Have to Pay it?
Let’s take a closer look at when an AMT is triggered, the intricacies of this method, and, most importantly, how to determine whether you need to pay it.
Should You Really Wait Until 70 to Collect Social Security?
Deciding when to collect Social Security is different for everyone. Experts will tell you to delay for as long as possible, but is that right for you?
You Just Turned 65. Here are 5 Unique Tax Moves
You’re never too old to learn something new! If you just turned 65, this blog is for you.
How to Make the Most of Your Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC) Plan
Today’s job market is more competitive than ever. Employers are offering more than just your standard benefits package to retain top leadership talent.
The Dala Group Celebrates Five Years
It's our 5th Anniversary and we are grateful for all of the support we've received from our clients!
5 Common (and Avoidable) Tax Planning Mistakes We See High Earners Making
High earners often miss out on significant tax savings by making common mistakes such as overlooking deductions and inefficiently managing investments. Our guide highlights five key tax planning errors and provides actionable strategies to help you reduce your taxable income and protect your wealth.
If the Market Goes Down, Can You Still Retire on Time?
Market volatility can be unsettling, especially as you approach retirement, but you don’t have to lose sleep over it. With the right strategy—like maintaining a cash reserve and staying focused on long-term goals—you can stay on track to retire on time, no matter what the market does.
How 529 Plans Are Becoming Even More User-Friendly in 2024 via the SECURE Act 2.0
Worried about retiring on time with a fluctuating market? The key is not trying to time the market but staying focused on your long-term plan. Learn how you can stay on track, no matter what the market does.